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  3. How does Collection Gateway help in reducing efforts?

In most societies, members make NEFT payment of their dues to the Society Account. But most members do not inform the treasurer/society office or update the portal about the payment they have made – leading to lots of suspense entries in the Bank account.

Treasurer has to wait for bank statement or download the same and then enter / approve the payment entries reflecting in the bank statement – this leads to extra work and delay in issue of receipts.

In addition, Bank Statement does not have the flat number, but the account number or transferee’s name – this makes it impossible to reconcile easily.

Also, Treasurer has to spend time in issuing receipts, but cannot leverage power Scheduled Reports feature of ApnaComplex to automatically publish Defaulters and Remind them to pay as the payment data is not 100% accurate.

All these lead to an overloaded treasurer (or accounts officer)!

ApnaComplex Collection Gateway Solution solves all these troubles by automating the issuance of receipts even when member makes payment via NEFT.

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