Conducting polls online regularly will give help you get constructive feedback and opinions from your residents. To create online polls using the ApnaComplex app, follow the below steps.
– In the ApnaComplex app, you will find the “Community” icon on the bottom of the screen. Click on it and it will take you to your society’s page.
– Over there, click on “Create Polls”.
– On the “Create Polls” page, add the poll question you would like to ask and give the relevant options for the residents to select.
– Once you have added enough options, click on “Next”.
– Select the start and date of the poll and click “OK”.
– Under “Visible To” choose the members who can participate such as “All Members”, “Only Owners”, etc, and choose “Voting Right”, i.e, “One per user” or “One per unit”.
– Under “Answer Limits”, enable or disable multiple answers.
– According to the nature of your polls, enable or disable “Is Vote Secret”.
– Once you are done, click “Post Now.
– If you want to review your poll, click “Review”, and if you are confident, click “Publish”. You have successfully created a poll and scheduled it.