If you are member and want to change your email, please refer this help article – http://help3.apnacomplex.com/knowledge-base/how-can-a-member-change-hisher-email-id-if-this-is-changes-then-thus-that-mean-that-the-loginid-also-gets-changed/
If you are an admin and want to change email id of one of the members for any reason (say the email id has a typo OR email id has changed or the flat itself is sold and new member came) – follow the below steps:
1. Please “deactivate” the record with incorrect email id by going to Directory->Members, filter on the email id to be removed. Click ‘Inactivate member’ icon in actions column and confirm.
2. Please add a new member record with correct email id clicking the ‘add member’ icon in the actions coloumn. Please ensure the email id is correct while adding.