An invoice (or advice as some call it) is a list of charges that have to be paid by the members to the society/association. ApnaComplex supports invoices with one or more charges on the same invoice.
To create the invoice, first a charge has to be created. The charge can be created by going to the menu ‘Income->Add Charges’. Here you can select one unit or all units and put the details for the charge. After clicking the ‘Generate Charges’ button, the summary of the charges based on the choosen criterion will be shown.
If this is the only charge on the invoice, you can click on the ‘Save Charges and Raise Invoice’ button.
If you intend to have multiple charges on one invoice, you would need to save the charges on this screen and raise the invoice later after all charges have been saved. You can follow the steps still here to save multiple charges. Charge which are saved, but not invoiced will not show up on the members’ statements.
To raise the invoice, go to the menu ‘Member Income -> Invoices’. Here all saved charges would be visible. Select the charges which need to be grouped on one invoice, enter the description for the invoice, invoice date and payment due date and click on ‘Raise Invoices’ button. After clicking this button, invoices will be raised for all the charges. All selected charges for each unit would be on a single invoice.