1. Create Block as Shops and Units as Shop1, Shop2 etc.
2. Create a member income category named ‘Rental charges’ (or any other suitable name).
3. Update the accounting group of this new income category to a non-member income group in order to be able to raise invoices and get them reported under non-nember income. This is an account grouping / reporting activity.
Once the ‘Rental charges’ category is created, please follow the below procedure to map the accounting group to non-member income.
1. Go to Accounting->Chart of Accounts.
2. Filter for the member income category you created, and the last column in the table title “Actions” has a tooltip “ Edit account details”. Please click on it.
3. In the pop up box, please change the Accounting Group to “Non-Member income (Revenues)” .
After mapping you can raise the Invoices as usual by going to Income->Add Charges.