In ApnaComplex, you can easily raise invoices with multiple line items. This is explained below with an example.
The society would like to raise invoice with two charges:
1. Maintenance Charges of Rs. 2/- per sqft.
2. Parking Charges of Rs. 1000/- per flat.
Please follow the steps below:
1. Go to Income->Add Charges. Select the Maintenance Charges charge type, fill in the details and click ‘Generate Charges’.
2. On the confirmation screen, you can verify the details. At the bottom of the page you can see three buttons – one for cancelling, one titled ‘Save Charges’, last one titled ‘Save Charges and Raise Invoices’. Click the ‘Save Charges’ button (Do not click the ‘Save Charges and Raise Invoices’ as it would raise the invoice with just Maintenance charges).
3. Now, repeat steps #1 and #2 for the ‘Parking Charges’. At the end of this step, you have saved two sets of charges – one for maintenance and another for parking.
4. Now, go to Income->Invoices. You should be able to see the saved charges in the ‘Charges pending to be invoiced’ section. Select the charges by clicking the checkboxes beside them, fill in the invoice description, invoice date and due date (this invoice date and due date will override due date that you might have entered earlier when adding the charges) and click ‘Raise Invoices’.
5. Invoices would now get generated with the two charges you have selected (each invoice will contain two line items). Email and SMS notifications would go to the members based on the notification settings in Complex->settings.