If you were receiving e-mails in the past and suddenly stopped getting them, this could be because your e-mail id is incorrect, or might have changed or your e-mail service provider is automatically bouncing e-mails.
1. Please log into ApnaComplex.com, by going to https://www.apnacomplex.com/auth/login.
2. Upon successful login, you will be redirected to a screen where you can resume email delivery for your email id on your own.
3. In the unlikely case, where you are not re-directed to such a screen, please access https://www.apnacomplex.com/auth/email_delivery_alert after logging in and resume delivery.
4. If you want to change your e-mail id, click on’ Change my E-Mail ID’ and enter ‘New Email Address’ and click on change.
6. Click on ‘ Resume Delivery to my email ID’ to enable delivery option to your mail address.
7. Then you will receive a notification “Re-enabled delivery to your e-mail id. You should start receiving emails from now”. After this, you will start receiving mails from ApnaComplex.