In ApnaComplex, you can raise complaints via SMS as well.
The number to which SMS needs to be sent can vary from society to society. Please login to the portal and go to Complaints->Complaint Box screen to know the number you can use to log complaints.
All complaints logged thru SMS will be logged under ‘No Category’. The facility manager or the administrator can reassign to another category as needed.
Any user or staff who has an id in the system can log complaints via SMS. The mobile from which the SMS is being sent MUST be updated in the ‘My Profile’ of your account. If the SMS is being sent from any other number the complaint will not get registered.
If the same mobile number is registered with more than one user, the system assumes that the first user has sent the SMS. If the user is a resident of any unit, the complaint gets logged as a personal complaint. If not, it gets logged as a Community complaint.