As a treasurer, you might want to keep track of the number of people who have paid a particular month’s maintenance (or any other) invoice and how much is outstanding etc.
To know this, please go to Income->Invoices –> Billed Invoices. Search on the date range of the invoice in question – you will get list of all invoices raised during that period. If further filtration is needed, type some text that is part of the invoice description to filter only the relevant invoices. You should see the columns “Invoice Amount” and “Balance Amount”. The total of these columns will give you the amounts for total value of invoices raised and total value of the balance amount to be paid against these invoices. You can get the same data at a granular level of charge type basis if you visit Income->View Charges and select “All” charge status and then filtering out pending invoice or reverted charges.
You can also visit Reports->Defaulters List and Reports->Unpaid Charges to get same data in different formats.